Details: wallface display rake 3 ft32 piecesremarkground floor1wallface dirley rake 27 inch2 piecesground floor2center display rake 3 feet18 piecesground floor34end display rake 5 feet12 ggground floorplastic shopping hand basket15 piecesground floor6stainless steel shocking basket (trolley)25 pieces7peg hooks30 piecesground floor8ricewin (50 kg capacity)12 piecesfirst floor9electronic cash counter2 pieces10number of new wings13 piecesground floorround chef ceiling led light 20 watt in hall120 piecesground floor 60 nos. first floor 60 nos.1112round chef ceiling led light 20 watt in porchground floor13luggage counter2 piecesground floor14side counter1 pieceground floorwooden trolley to hold 15 rice bins
Sector: Municipality