Details: supplying of 11/0.433 kv distribution transformer 400 kva, copper wound , crgo m4 core onam;bis level 1 complete as required. psc pole 200 kg wl(8mtr). supply and fixing of 11 kv pin type 3 phase ab switch 400 amp (polymer type) supply and fixing of 11kv lightening arrestor (9 kv ,10 ka classii,station type)(1set=3 nos) ms angle for lt distribution bus (50x 6mm)(1.8kgs) supplying, fitting and fixing of l.t xlpe ab cable for overhead lt line complete job as per direction of e/i. supplying and errection of suspension clamp with eye hook etc as required. lt angle bracket (50x50x6mm)(galkvanised) lt back clamp (50x6mm)for lt angle(0.55 kgs each) supplying and errection of stay set complete (galvanized) with 19/20 mm dia x 1.8 meters long stay rod, anchor plate of size 45 cm x 45 cm x 7.5 mm, thimble stay clamps, bow tightner, 7/4.00 mm dia g.i stay wire and strain insulator in cement concrete 1:3:6 foundation including excavation and refilling as required. supplying and
Sector: Agriculture Misc