Details: bore well no. 112 (wuyan androosa)detailed topographical survey using dgps/ets for preparation of detailed survey drawings,site plan and contour map(l-section) including taking of cross section at some spots of the command area showing all existing features like buildings , electric poles etc on the sitre plans with suitable colour identifications to a suitable visible scale. hydraulic design of mini sprinkler irrigation system including sprinkler placement,lateral length ,underground pping hdpe main and submain lines of mini sprinkler irrigation system including system head , frictional losses ,pipe selection and pump discharge parameters based on the hydraulic static discharge of the borewell. colour printout of the site plan and mini sprikler irrigation syatem on a2 size paper. colour printout of the site plan and mini sprikler irrigation syatem on a3 size paper. bore well no. 105 (bangund chadoora)detailed topographical survey using dgps/ets for preparation of detailed survey drawi
Sector: PWD