Details: name of item121black led middling pencil (hp)2ball point pen (blue)specifications4hp pencil of reputed brand length of pencil 177mmstandard size of reputed brandstation +10% reserve) per piece62518753ball point pen (red)ball point pen (silver white)standard size of reputed brandstandard size of reputed brand625625white paper size 21.5 34.5 cms 70gsm ileam weight 2.6 kgs minblank paper (white paper)5000carbons paper (one sided) size 205 cms 29 cms isi marked 1.5. no. 1551-1976 as amended upto date6carbon paper (one sided)1875stainless steel of high-quality paper pin needle point flate rounded heads cupro-gem mirror finish7steel pin packets156258seeiling wax sticks (red colour)cloth of rag pieces10twin thread (green colour)11packing paper12match boxes13rubber band14self adhesive tape (transparent)duly (5) marked (b45 specification no. 868-1990 as amended upto date) each box containing 10 sticks must have 500 gm weightcotton cloth 12" 12" (4 side stiched)thread must be strong enough and d
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