Details: item description ada 3600 nosalanine transaminase 200000 nosalbumin 200000 nosalp 200000 nosamylase 6000 nosaspartate transaminase 200000 nosc reactive protein(quantitative) 6200 noscalcium 35000 noscholesterol 60000 nosck-mb 3800 nosconjugated bilirubin 200000 noscpk 4700 noscreatinine 134400 noselectrolytes(na,k,cl) 63000 nosggt 3000 nosglucose 224000 noshba1c (glycosylated -haemoglobin) 17000 noshdl 45000 nosiron 5500 nosldh 3600 nosldl 45000 noslipase 4000 nosmagnesium 8000 nosphosphorus 35000 nostotal bilirubin 22900 nostotal protein 200000 nostriglycerdies 45000 nosurea 201000 nosuric acid 201000 noscalibrator for automated system for all the above parameters noscontrols for all the above mentioned parametes (s no 1-29 ) to be run twice daily x 365 days per year nosany other ancillary reagent required for running the above tests nosferritin nos g6pd nosmicroprotein nostransferrin nosuibc/tibc nosname of the consumable to be filled by bidder 1.00 nosname of the consumable
Sector: Medical Education