Details: stationery name contentbrand companyamount12341lap bottlecamel super700 ml2imitating inkchorusper item3photocopy paper a.4modiper gram4photocopy paper a.4j.k./my powerper ream5photocopy paper a.4xerox/orient/b.2.b.per ream6photocopy paper a.3modiper ream7photo copy paper a3j.k. my powerper ream8photo copy paper a3xerox/orient/b.2b.per ream9correcting ink whitechorusper item10stamp paidashoka gembuper item11stamp paidashoka badaper item12stamp paidashoka chhotaper item13stamp paidsuper jambuper item14stamp paidsuper bigper item15stamp paidsuper mediumper item16stamp paidsuper smallper item17pen stand with 2 pens pen stand with 4 pens pen with pensuper executiveper item18super executiveper item19jetter penperform20jetter penfiller21zaatar refillperform22zaatar refillfiller23register 8 13plaina squad24register 8 13plainfour squad25register 8 13plainsix squad26register 8 13super deluxea squad27register 8 13super deluxefour squad28register 8 13super deluxesix squad29file padsuper qualityper
Sector: Municipality