Details: design, installation, testing, commissioning including integration and maintenance of the advanced metering infrastructure (ami) comprising of following :- supply, installation, testing, commissioning of smart meters of different makes (not more than 33 % of a particular make to ensure interchangeability at a later date as per bis 16444 with com-munication modules having gprs/rf or canopy/hybrid (rf+gprs) or any other advanced tech-nology as per cea/trai regulations as mentioned below:-(i) single phase smart meter of rating 10-60 amp based on rf/gprs communication- 5610 nos for lucknow area and 324 nos for fatehgarh area (ii) three phase smart meter of rating 10-60 amp based on rf/gprs communication- 884 nos for lucknow area and 02 nos for fatehgarh area supply/ planning/setup/ tuning of rf communication infrastructure including network manage-ment system (nms) & head end system (hes) for the project area, ami software and associated equipment’s should be capable of handing at-least
Sector: Defense