Description: Different Work on Rent
Details: Hon’ble Governor Welcome and Changing Room 1 Swiss Cottage (VVIP Standard) 2 Sanitary and light work in Swiss cottage As required 3 Sofa Set in Swiss cottage and other VIPs 04 Nos. 4 Centre Table 01 No. 5 Dressing table in Swiss cottage 01 N0 6 Kaleen/Carpet in Swiss cottage As required 7 Cloth side well to hide room having mother & other Approx. 35x10feet 8 Matting in front of Swiss cottage approx 18X18 feet Matting work at Atal Sabhagar 9 New printed matting Appeox.125x25 feet10 New red matting (Entrance gate to sabhagar gate, Hon,ble Governor passage) Approx. 125x6 feet11 New red matting (in right side passage to hall entrance) Approx. 190x6 feet12 New red matting (in left side passage to hall entrance) Approx. 190x6 feetGuest House 13 New printed matting (in legt side of Entrance gate to Exit gate of Guest house) Approx. 310x20 feet14 New printed matting (in righr side Entrance gate to Exit gate of Guest house) Approx. 310x6 feetDecoration 15 Stage, Entrance gate of hall a
Sector: University