Details: promote investment in e&p sector,aid in implementation of it and digitalization initiatives,the services of knowledge partner is sought to assist the ministry ofpetroleum and natural gas and directorate general of hydrocarbons in several fronts. thepresent engagement would massively entail aiding the ministry and the dgh in planning astrategic roadmap in future initiatives in indian e&p sector, and facilitating stakeholders in the e&psector. the knowledge partner shall act as a policy think tank, help in making a future readydgh for the upcoming business, regulatory and technology challenges and opportunities,scout for investors, augment the intellectual property, provide market intelligence, suggestinnovative methods to troubleshoot sectoral issues and maintain communication channelswith global e&p sector. taking cognizance of the need of continued engagement of aknowledge partner, the scope of work of knowledge partner has been divided into the followingactivities/modules:
Sector: Custom1