Details: construction work of drain and road from house no. b-03 of sandeep baranwal to the house of rk singh in him city part-1 under ismailganj ii ward-43363140.0036314.00one month 363.0065.00428.00road construction work from shrivastava's house built in balajipuram to the house of ashutosh singh in ismailganj ii ward-43.818364.0081836.00one month818.00147.00965.00construction work of drain and road from house no. b-19 of vinod sharma's house to the house no. b-7 in him city part-1 under ismailganj ii ward-43.842390.0084239.00one month842.00152.00994.00construction work of drain and road from deepak singh's house to c-15 in dayal residency c-block under ismailganj ii ward-43.
Sector: Municipality