Details: dismentling of damage draine etc all comp. providing and laying in cement conc concrete 1:6:12(1 cement5 c sand and 12 graded brick ballast)and curing comp including cost of form work in foundation and floors etc all comp. providing and laying and fixing kerb stone drain etc all comp. dismentling of damage cc including stacking dismental material with in 60m distence etc all comp. earth work in surface excavation to be from reguar pits not exceeding 1/2 m. in depth and work embankment to be in 20 cm. layers including ramming and dressing the surface to required levels and stopes and also including 1.5 m. lift and 30 m. lead the earth from cutting to be used in making embankment or to be deposited as spoil banks within 30 m. distance as directed by engineering in charge. disposal of surplus soil from site to up to 3.00km lead etc all comp. m-150 b/w with 1:4 cement & c.sand mortar etc all comp. 12mm thick cement plaster with 1:4 cement & c.sand mortar etc all comp. r/l main hole up t
Sector: Municipality