Details: topographical survey for development of ash pipe line corridor along the shortest route from anpara tps to abandoned gorbi mine pit no. 03, singrauli (m.p.) taking width of 25 mtr only alongwith providing/ plotting of drawing on existing revenue map provided by revenue department, u.p. & m.p,also indicating all the important land marks in the vicinity of route alignment such as road, huts, offices, houses, electric tower lines, nala, culverts, hillocks and all other permanent features etc. preparation of cross section, l-section, contour survey taking spot levels at 10 m interval or as required per ground profile, plotting 25.0 m interval contour including level / coordinate shifting up to 5 km marking all areas visible legendary features like trees well position, ht ad lt lines, roads and culverts etc. providing 5 number of hard copy in scale 1:4000 and 5 soft copies in cd of the survey drawings complete in all respect.
Sector: Generation