Details: ophthmology simo cannula no. 22 g. simo cannula no. 23 g. simo cannula no. 21 g. a.c.m. cannula no. 18 g. hydro cannula no. 26 g. single port cortex aspiration cannula no. 22 g. single port cortex aspiration cannula no. 23 g. wire specullam (phaco) ear buds 100% cotton surgical suture non absorbable reverse cutting 8-0 with r/c surgical suture non absorbable reverse cutting 6-0 with r/c surgical suture non absorbable reverse cutting 10-0 with r/c nylon black disposable needle no. 23 g disposable needle no. 26 g bandage contact lence masquito artery forceps curved 5 masquito artery forceps 5 straight scissor 4" finetip curved scissor 4" finetip straight one tooth fixation forcep fixation forcep wescort scissor curved corneal needle holder curved iris repositor needle holder 6" sponge holding forceps 8" kideny tray 8" x 6" superior forcep surgical tray square 8" x 6" electric operated needle syring destroyer corneal scissor curved cataract set (detail enclosed)wire sepeculam univer
Sector: Medical Education