The RERC has published a tender for "REGULAR CLEANING WORK OF RERC BUILDING" on the 25 Feb 2023. This tender belongs to Building cleaning services category. This tender is published in Jaipur, Rajasthan location. The vendors interested in this tender and related Building cleaning services tenders can obtain further details by registering in the Tendersniper web portal. Upon registration, Tendersniper sends regular tender alerts by email specifically addressing the user requirements (i.e., keywords, location and value range). Government business is a growing area of opportunity. The businesses are encouraged to actively monitor tender opportunities and participate in them to grow their business.

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 Tender Details

Description: REGULAR CLEANING WORK OF RERC BUILDING--Name of Work: Regular Cleaning Work of RERC Building at Sahakar Marg, Jaipur

Details: lQkbZ] ykWu ,oa ty&vkiwfrZ dk j[k&j[kko dk dk;Z izfrfnu@izfrlIrkg@ikf{kd ,oa izfrekg vko`fr pkVZ ,oa 'krksZa ds vuqlkj e; vko’;drkuqlkj lkeku ,oa T & P ,oa lQkbZ dk;Z gsrq de ls de 4 lQkbZdehZ] ,d ekyh] ,d IyEcj@iEi vkWijsVj] ,d Ik;Zos{kd fu;ksftr dj lQkbZ dk;Z lqpk: :i ls djuk] ftlesa ry/kj] Hkwry] izFke ry ls prqFkZ ry rd] Nr ,oa ckgjh fgLlk ,oa okgu ikfdZax {ks=] iEi :e ,oa~ Hkou ifjlj ds vUnj dk leLr {ks= 'kkfey gSA Hkou ifjlj esa m|ku rFkk Hkou ds fofHkUUk ryksa ij ,oa Nr ij j[ks xeyksa ds ikS/kks dk j[k&j[kko ,oa izfrfnu ty&vkiwfrZ dk dk;Z Hkh 'kkfey gSA ¼dk;Z vko`fZr lwfp ds vuqlkj djsaA½(Non-BSR½ Renovating lawns including weeding cheeling the grass forking the ground top dressing with manure. Mixing the same with forked soil watering maintaining the lawns for 30 days or more till grass forms a thick lawns free from weeds & fit for mowing & disposal (H7/3.2) Note: The bidder shall quote their rates in percentage above or below BSR inclusive of all taxes and levies except

Sector: Power Sector

Published Date25 Feb 2023
Tender Estimate Value9.95 Lakh
Due Date Login to view Due Date
Earnest Money Deposit(EMD)INR XXXX
Processing Fee 500
Document Sale Start Date XX-XX-XXXX
Document Sale End DateXX-XX-XXXX
Tender Opening DateXX-XX-XXXX
Tender Document Link Login to view the document
Tender Type Open Tender
Tender Category Services
Bid Validity Period120
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