Details: 220v/100ah battery bank supply of 220v battery bank (110 cell per bank+5 dry cell for spare per bank), capacity - 100ah, per cell volt - 2v, type – tx100ah- hdp, with lead acid filled as per technical specification at annexure-a and scope of work at annexure-b etc work of above 220 v battery bank as per technical specification at annexure-a and scope of work at annexure-b buyback of 220v old battery bank as per detail at annexure-a and scope of work at annexure-b 110v/500ah battery bank supply of 110v battery bank (55 nos. cell per bank+5 dry cell for spare per bank), capacity - 500ah, per cell volt - 2v, model type – tx500ah-hdp, (approved as per rdso specification no. irss-88/2004) bank as per detail at annexure-a and scope of work at annexure-b etc work of above 110 v battery bank as per technical specification at annexure-i etc work of above 220 v battery bank as per technical specification at annexure-a and scope of work at annexure-b buyback of 110 v old battery bank as per de
Sector: Power Sector