Details: sh - i (sitc of of 2 * 200 tr type air cooled chiller)supply, installation, testing & commissioning of type air cooled chilling unit (with vfd / vsd) of 200 tr (minimum actual capacity) with twin compressor complete in accordance with ahri / eurovent with all aspect. the chilled water inlet / outlet temperature of 54 / 44 deg. f respectively with chilled water circulation rate of 480 usgpm & fouling factor 0.0005 fps and suitable for operation on refrigerant for / centrifugal type machine, chiller should be ecbc + 2017 compliant. first chiller shall be factory tested as ahri & tender conditions at 100%, 75%, 50% and 25% load. following accessories, items or services shall also be part of chiller.a) 1 set - hermatic/ semi hermatic helical rotary twin / centrifugal compressors & twin circuit with automatic capacity control, safety switches, speed increasing gears, forced feed lubrication system etc. as per specifications. the unit shall be designed to unload up to 25% at cons
Sector: Airport