Details: providing and spreading red bajari (kolayat) on road side as per instruction of engineer-in-charge with all lead & lift fixing 50mm dia pipe and flag (labour charge) including making holes in ground, transporation and dismantling, deposit in store etc. complete sweeping of roads from main gate to near community science college circle and road upto and around function ground , pandal, stage etc complete including removing garbage from road sides white washing on brick lining complete. repairing of road lining (10cm wide) with white road marking/enamel paint of superior and approved quality one or more coat as per dirctionof engineer-in-charge making of white lining with marble powder/line (kali) as per direction of engineer-in-charge repainting of university emblem at open stage with enamel paint including writing of erased letters if any complete. transportation of pvc charis (iron pipe frame base) from various offices/store of beechwal campus to state and return back after function
Sector: Agriculture Misc