Details: name of work: supply of various consumables and equipments for different department of r g kar mch. item description2intra peri apical(iopa) x ray filmiopa x ray film hanger- multiple clipsthyroid sheild 0.5 mm thicknesslead appron size : 100x60 & thickness :0.5 mmbag colostomy with cliphumidifier bottleswab stick sodalime jar 4 kgfistula needleglass jar 2 litlaryngoscope bulbtissue paper rollurine collection - sterile ureteric catheter size 4 fr ureteric catheter size 5 fr ureteric catheter size 6 fr digital weight machine bi pap machinetrup disposable drape pcnl disposable drapehalf apparel size 75-140-13 cm with tying tape 170 cm air mattress external csf drainage system –whole system neonatal eye mask- neonatal protector disposable petridish 90 mm_ tarson disposable portable elastomeric infusion pump having varible infusion 275 ml lifter stand blood tubing set for fresenius 5008glass test tube 12 mm x 100 mm ecg paper roll 20 mtrs x 50 mm glass test tube 6”x ¾ “cryo v
Sector: Medical Education