Details: n.d.t of vital parts of winding engine under reg.86(5) of cmr, 2017 of no 3,4,7 & 8 pit(four winder) of nimcha(r) colliery. ndt of all vital elements of winder. all components of winder assembly, e.g head gear of winder assembly winder piston shaft main shaft etc. all brake components e.g. tie rod of brake assembly, break post connecting pins, adjusting nuts, check nuts etc. ndt of cage suspension gear with attachments like chains, d shackle etc. n.d.t of vital parts of winding engine at pit 1,2 & 3 (three winder) of j.k. nagar(r) colliery. ndt of all vital elements of winder. all components of winder assembly, e.g head gear of winder assembly winder piston shaft main shaft etc. all brake components e.g. tie rod of brake assembly, break post connecting pins, adjusting nuts, check nuts etc. ndt of cage suspension gear with attachments like chains, d shackle etc. n.d.t of vital parts of men winding engine shaft(east & west) at satgram project. ndt of all vital elements of electric winde
Sector: Mining