Details: upper leather for closedtype footwearcr. cow cg softy upper -1.2/ 1.4 mm -- black 230 sq.ft.semiglossy2 upper leather for closedtype footwearsofty goat upper - 1.1 / 1.2mm--diff. clrs. 230 sq. ft.semiglossy3 upper leather for opencategoryblack fine haircell printedsofty - 1.0/ 1.1 mm220 sq. ft. semiglossy4 lining leather forfootweargloving leather - 0.9 / 0.11mm 110 sq. ft.chrust5 lining leather forfootwear sheep lining - 0.9 / 0.10 mm 100 sq. ft.finished6 stockinet backed rexin("ganjee foam") pvc coated fabric - black 5 mtrs.semiglossy7 insole board composition board 10 pcs.8 solvent dip stiffener board 1.0 to 1.1 mm thickness 5 pcs. coated fabric9 solvent mix for dippingcellastic stiffenersthe containers must be wellsealed air tight60 ltrs.10 mek the containers must be wellsealed air tight60 ltrs. methyl ethylketone11 adhesive applying brushes thin wooden brush withlong bristles100 pcs. as per sample12beating hammercone shaped verticalhammer with flattenedtop 20 pcs.glossy nickel coa
Sector: University