Description: E TENDER FOR Digitization of Bed Head Ticket and such old Records and Keeping of Document Management System Open Source Software for Accessing Digitized Records at DR B C ROY P G I P S 111 NARKELDANGA MAIN ROAD KOLKATA 700054 West Bengal Name of Work E TENDER FOR Digitization of Bed Head Ticket and such old Records and Keeping of Document Management System Open Source Software for Accessing Digitized Records
Details: Document Scanning and Uploading in DMS of the Host. DMS be provided by the authority of Dr.B.C.Roy P.G.I.P.S.Entering of eight identified data field(Like Registration No & Date, Patient Name, Discharge Status, Case Number, Police Station, Disease Code, File Date, Discharge Date etc) from the scanned existing file, maintaining Quality Control Mechanism And 100%check of data captured.
Sector: University