Details: detailed topographical & hydrographical survey of various rivers/khals/drainage channels/ canals/ dam/ reservoirs/ beels etc using higher precision instruments like dgps/rtk/total station for land survey, adcp/eco-sounder for water body survey etc alongwith total geo-referencing (x-y-z) alignment and plotting on google earth/arcgis based map for taking cross sections, long section of drainage channels/ khals/rivers (extending each cross section upto 50 m from toe of country side at both side banks) w.r.t. nearest known ground control point(g.c.p)/great trigonometrical survey (g.t.s.) bench mark, including additional cross sections (both u/s & d/s) at the points of bridges, regulators, cross drain, inlets, tributaries, branch channels, drains, out channels from pump houses, important structures etc., including additional cross sections at adjacent outfall point of these drainage channels/khals/rivers into other river for 250 mtr u/s & 250m d/s of that outfall point and showing detailed
Sector: Irrigation