Details: dismantling all type of plain cement concrete works, stacking serviceable materrials at site and removing as directed with in a lead of 75 m in ground floor including roof. (a) upto 150 mm. thick. laying 150 mm. to 200 mm. boulder soling including rough dressing hand packing and ramming down small pieces in the interstics without rolling but including ramming. cost of stone boulder 150 mm size delivered ans stacked at site. (ii) cement concrete with 30 mm. down graded shingles excluding shuttering.n.b. varietyin ground floor . (a) 1:3:6 proportion. hire and labour charge for shuttering with centreing and necessary staging up to 4 m. using approved stout props and thick hard wood planks of approved thick ness with required bracing for concrete slabs, beams, columns, lintels curved or staight including fitting fixing and striking out after complection of works. (up to roof of ground floor). (f) 25mm. to 30mm. shuttering with out staging in foundation etc. plaster ( to wall, floor, cei
Sector: Municipality