Details: slqualificationsub-criteria markingsno criteria/subtotal requiredmarks documentscriteriapast experience ofa20the agency (trackrecord)number of years of more than 10 years - 20operationof1. document (s) todemonstrate thatthe applicant is inoperation for aminimum of three(3)years(registrations/certificate, etc)2. undertaking thattheapplicantshould not beblacklisted by anycentralgovernment/ stategovernment/governmentbodies/worldbankthe marksagencymore than 5 years- 10marks*incaseofconsortium,a more than 3 years -5 marksthe less than 3-0number of years ofoperationofthelead partner will beconsideredboverall financialstrength of20theagency in terms ofturnover,profitabilityandcash flow.11draft documentturnover/budgetaverage annual turnovercertificatefromoutlay; as revealed during last 3 years is 10 statutoryin annual financial crores and above- 20 marks chartered accountantstatements for the certifyinglast 3 years (fy average annual turnover turnover during the2016-17, fy 2017- during last 3
Sector: Skill Development