Details: small wound managersmall diameter104 x159 mm self adhesive with flexible lid whichcontain a drain port to remove the effluent from the bag antireflux valve and inflatable ring which can be filled with air so thatthe lid should not touch the wound unique daisy flower shapedbase plate for better fit to body contours one transparent windowfor easy inspection which can be removed time and again forinspection the system should contain one transparent markingsheet so as to mark the required shape and size for cutting area2104 x159 mm woundmanager smallsmall diameter104 x159 mm self adhesive with flexible lid whichcontain a drain port to remove the effluent from the bag antireflux valve and inflatable ring which can be filled with air so thatthe lid should not touch the wound unique daisy flower shapedbase plate for better fit to body contours one transparent windowfor easy inspection which can be removed time and again forinspection the system should contain one transparent markingsheet so a
Sector: Medical Education