Details: round-the-clock operation & maintenance of all electro-mechanical services mentioned hereunder (in all buildings under zone-2 mentioned in the schedule) and as per details given in relevant sections by deploying the required competent staff including specialized manpower & by arranging required tools & plants to keep all services operational up-to required standards: (a) e.i & fans. (operation, routine maintenance & comprehensive maintenance) (b) m.v panel, l.t.panel, power factor correction panel, emergency panel, various breakers & switches. (operation, routine maintenance & comprehensive maintenance)(c) sump pumps, borewell/ submersible pumps, drinking water/ building water supply pumps. (operation, routine maintenance & comprehensive maintenance)(d) u.p.s. (only operation) (e) cables, earthing (routine maintenance & preventive maintenance)(f) engine alternator set with cooling system, amf panel & earthing.(only operation)(g) compound lights. (operation, routine maintenance
Sector: Telecommunication