Details: advance industrial hydraulics (electro hydraulics-computer controlled) with plc specification: specification as per tender documents no82adinpn-07-11 advance industrial pneumatics (electro pneumatic-computer controlled) with plc specification: specification as per tender documents no83adplc workb-07-13 advance plc training with industrial automation components and perpetual licensed operating software- workbench type specification: specification as pet tender documents no164aneleexki-07-09 analog electronics experimental kit specification: specification as per tender documents no605ansetk-07-01 analog sensor training kit specification: specification as pet tender documents set86arstkit-07-17a arduino starter kit specification: specification as per tender documents set107baelec-07-16 basic electrical and electronics learning/teaching software specification: specification as per tender documents no508daacsylab.07-18 data acquisition system(das) lab specification: specification as pet ten
Sector: Industrial Training