Details: wild rodent traps1. high quality heavy duty metal body measuringabout 34x10x14 cm.2. corrosion resistant ensuring longevity.3. holes on either side of the rectangular box.4. entry holes are designed in such a way that ratshugging the wall should enter it.5. should be suitable for all size rodents, easy to clean.0502.ear punchingmachines forrodents1. should be made of good quality stain less steel.2. should be nail clipper style ear punch,3. should have punch of 2 mm diameter.4. should be sharp to avoid injuries.5. should be easy to clean and sterilize.6. should resist corrosion and durable.1003. spray bottles1. 500ml capacity standard design plastic bottles withgood quality spray pump.2. transparent body and trigger cap for protection.3. should be thermos-resistant and easy to clean andsterilize, should be durable.50downloading of tender documents from website date for enquiry (if required)contact: dr. b. s. shankaranarayana rao, professor, registrarand officer in
Sector: Medical Education