Details: 9 mtr long, psc pole ,200 kg wl with material cost, labour cost with hard rock as per hescom (dtc no- 25);9 mtr long, psc pole ,200 kg wl with material cost, labour cost as per hescom (dtc no- 109,27 & 27 ); of 3ph 11kv/433v, 25kva 5 star rated dtc using 9mtr rcc pole as per data sheet no.24 with material cost, labour cost with hard soil as per hescom (dtc no- 25); of 3ph 11kv/433v, 25kva 5 star rated dtc using 9mtr rcc pole as per data sheet no.24 with material cost, labour cost as per hescom (dtc no- 27);dtc modem with material cost, labour cost as per hescom (dtc no- 25 & 27 );4 pin x arms, clamps with nuts and bolts for etc. with material cost, labour cost as per hescom (dtc no- 25,109,27 & 27);2 pin x arms, clamps with nuts and bolts for etc. with material cost, labour cost as per hescom (dtc no- 25);1.1 kv pin insulator with gi pin with material cost, labour cost as per hescom (dtc no- 25,109,27 & 27);8kv strain insulator with material cost, labour cost as per hescom (dtc no- 2
Sector: Municipality