Details: geophysical investigation of site for sinking bore well for supplying drinking water to the habitation either through the hand pump, mwss or pwss by verticle electrical sounding by adopting venner or schluber's method ,including reconnaissa nce survey of geological formation, geophy sical investigation of existing ground water in the vicinity, its quality, quantity & acceotability of the users indicating the location of site, recommended depth of casing pipe required to seal the top uncon solidated formation for proper seating of casing pipe, depth of 1.0 meter in consoildated formation for proper seating of casing pipe ,depth of drilling required to coverfull depth of aquifer proposed to be tapped probable yield and other information of instrument and accessories to work site, engaging technical personal and labour required etc.common sr 2023-24 vol-5,in 12.4pn-140;sinking of borewell of 165mm dia clear using super fast hydraulic rig ofcapacity 300 psig & above 1100 cmf & above in all
Sector: Municipality