Carrying Idlers Dia 152.4x30x4.5x380 mm Long, For - 111649198
The National Mineral Development Corporation has published a tender for "Carrying Idlers Dia 152.4x30x4.5x380 mm Long, For Belt -1000mm 1600032274,Carrying Idlers Dia 152.4x30x4.5x315 mm Long, For Belt -800mm 1700006072,Carrying Idlers Dia 152.4x30x4.5x470 mm Long, For Belt -1200mm 1700006073,Carrying Idlers Dia 152.4x30x4.5x750 mm Long, For Belt -2000mm 1700006074,Carrying Idlers Dia 152.4x30x4.5x250 mm Long, For Belt -650mm 1600032275,Return Idler Dia 152.4x30x4.5x1150 mm Long, For Belt -1000mm 1700006077,Return Idler Dia 152.4x30x4.5x1400 mm Long, For Belt -1200mm 1700006078,Return Idler Dia 152.4x30x4.5x2200 mm Long, For Belt -2000mm 1700006079,Return Idler Dia 152.4x30x4.5x750 mm Long, For Belt -650mm 1700006075,Impact Idler Dia 114.30 For Belt -800mm 1600032277,Impact Idler Dia 114.30,For Belt -1200mm 1600032279,Impact Idler Dia 114.30 For Belt -2000mm 1600032280,Impact Idler Dia 114.30 For Belt -650mm 1600032276,Impact Idler Dia 114.30 For Belt -1000mm 1600032278,Deflection Idler Dia 165.1 x30 x 4.50 x 950 mm Long, For Belt -800mm 1700006081,Deflection Idler Dia 165.1 x 30" on the 06 Dec 2024. This tender belongs to Conveyor idlers category. This tender is published in Bellary, Karnataka location. The vendors interested in this tender and related Conveyor idlers tenders can obtain further details by registering in the Tendersniper web portal. Upon registration, Tendersniper sends regular tender alerts by email specifically addressing the user requirements (i.e., keywords, location and value range). Government business is a growing area of opportunity. The businesses are encouraged to actively monitor tender opportunities and participate in them to grow their business.
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