Details: providing submersible pump set of 150mm dia suitable for bore well andconfirming to is 8034-2000;3phase, ss bowl & impeller with low voltmotor as per specifications, to work site as per necessary ammendmentsand instructions of engineer incharge of work25.00 hp - 135 lpm @ 420 m = 30 stg outlet dia - 2.00" brand : texmo or lubi;supply, installing,testing and commissioning common control panelconsisting of the following incoming:1 no set of phase indicatinglamps with sfu of suitable rating 1 no, analog ammeter, 1 no analogvoltmeter 1ni with phase selector switch, isolating switch outgoingfor main electrical pump: 1 no. mcb 1 no. dol of s/d starter suitablefor respective hp 1 no. electrcal protection like single phase preventor,under voltage over volage, under current over current & dry runprotection suitable for the pump described above 1 no indoor type note:1) dol- direct online starter2) s-d- star delta starter etc. complete .25 hp pumps brand : lk lt;supply and delivery at site brand
Sector: Municipality