View Telangana Northern Power Distribution Company Ltd tenders

Search NORTHERN POWER DISTRIBUTION COMPANY OF TELANGANA LIMITED tenders using a simplified and user friendly interface. Tendersniper consolidates manual and electronic tenders under works, goods, consulting services and non-consulting services categories, Expression of Interest (EOI), Request of Information (RFI), Request for Quotation (RFQ), Private Public Partnership (PPP) and Prequalification (PQ) tenders published by the NORTHERN POWER DISTRIBUTION COMPANY OF TELANGANA LIMITED. Tendersniper provides the best quality alerts in the market on Telangana Northern Power Distribution Company Ltd tenders. Register to view the full tender details and to receive customized tender alerts in your email. Our registered users can use the following options to filter the tenders published by the NORTHERN POWER DISTRIBUTION COMPANY OF TELANGANA LIMITED and quickly find the tender they are looking for: Value, district, published date, expiry date, estimate value, Earnest Money Deposit or EMD, bid submission type (i.e., manual or electronic) and value range.

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Latest Telangana Northern Power Distribution Company Ltd Tenders

27375288: Tendor Notice No. 02/2020-21 of Jagtial Circle

Due Date: 06-Jan-2021
Category : Vehicle Hiring Updated: 19-May-2024
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30841996: TENDER NOTICE NO 22/2020-21 OF KHAMMAM DIV

Due Date: 12-Mar-2021
Category : Power Line Construction Updated: 19-May-2024

28010138: TN of DEE OP BCM 08-2020-21

Due Date: 18-Jan-2021
Category : 11KV Line Construction Updated: 19-May-2024

28768566: Tender Notice No.04/2020-21 of Peddapally Circle

Due Date: 10-Feb-2021
Category : Billing services Updated: 19-May-2024

25606566: Tender Notice No. 03/2020-21 of Mancherial Circle

Due Date: 17-Nov-2020
Category : Power System Maintenance Updated: 19-May-2024
To view the full tender details about the latest Telangana Northern Power Distribution Company Ltd tenders and to receive customized alerts for tenders published by Telangana Northern Power Distribution Company Ltd in your email.

28010136: Tender Notice No10/2020-21 of Kothagudem Division

Due Date: 19-Jan-2021
Category : Transmission Tower Construction Updated: 19-May-2024

26926632: Tender Notice No.03/2020-21 of Mancherial Circle

Due Date: 23-Dec-2020
Category : Temporary manual labour Updated: 19-May-2024


Due Date: 15-Mar-2021
Category : Power System Construction Updated: 19-May-2024

28768560: Estimate for Erection of 1 No VCB with Bay extension at 33/11 kv ss at VVpalem in khammamurban section

Due Date: 04-Feb-2021
Category : 33KV Line Construction Updated: 19-May-2024
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60482242: Tender Notice 28.09.2022 24V 40 AH Battery Sets (12V X 2 Nos.)

Due Date: 12-Oct-2022
Category : Batteries Purchase Updated: 19-May-2024

25606571: Tender Notice No. 04/2020-21 of Nirmal Division

Due Date: 13-Nov-2020
Category : Feeder Line Construction Updated: 19-May-2024

24609253: Proposal for Rearthing to 45NO.of 100KVA DTRS in various distributions of Eligaid Section.

Due Date: 16-Oct-2020
Category : Distribution power transformers Updated: 19-May-2024
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