Displaying Thiruvananthapuram District Panchayath tenders

Search Secretary Thiruvananthapuram District Panchayath tenders using a simplified and user friendly interface. Tendersniper consolidates manual and electronic tenders under works, goods, consulting services and non-consulting services categories, Expression of Interest (EOI), Request of Information (RFI), Request for Quotation (RFQ), Private Public Partnership (PPP) and Prequalification (PQ) tenders published by the Secretary Thiruvananthapuram District Panchayath. Tendersniper provides the best quality alerts in the market on Thiruvananthapuram District Panchayath tenders. Register to view the full tender details and to receive customized tender alerts in your email. Our registered users can use the following options to filter the tenders published by the Secretary Thiruvananthapuram District Panchayath and quickly find the tender they are looking for: Value, district, published date, expiry date, estimate value, Earnest Money Deposit or EMD, bid submission type (i.e., manual or electronic) and value range.

Latest Thiruvananthapuram District Panchayath Tenders

Momentos tender in Thiruvananthapuram

100460279: Supply of momento for selected schools

Due Date: 14-Aug-2024   Value ₹: 18.0 Lakh Updated: 02-Aug-2024
Lifting Tools tender in Thiruvananthapuram

10008465: Fabrication and supply of animal lifting device

Due Date: 13-Feb-2019   Value ₹: 5.0 Lakh Updated: 19-May-2024
Computer Equipments tender in Thiruvananthapuram

7463417: Purchase

Due Date: 18-Oct-2018   Value ₹: 13.0 Lakh Updated: 19-May-2024
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General classroom furnishings tender in Thiruvananthapuram
Television tender in Thiruvananthapuram

21544308: Supply and installation of led tv

Due Date: 20-Jun-2020   Value ₹: 30.0 Lakh Updated: 19-May-2024
Civil Construction tender in Thiruvananthapuram
Poly House Construction tender in Thiruvananthapuram

22245886: Poly house maintenance at district agriculture farm

Due Date: 31-Jul-2020   Value ₹: 4.84 Lakh Updated: 19-May-2024
Lifting Tools tender in Thiruvananthapuram

9267732: Fabrication and supply of animal lifting device

Due Date: 19-Jan-2019   Value ₹: 5.0 Lakh Updated: 19-May-2024
To view the full tender details about the latest Thiruvananthapuram District Panchayath tenders and to receive customized alerts for tenders published by Thiruvananthapuram District Panchayath in your email.

Busses tender in Thiruvananthapuram

8733835: Purchasing bus to government schools

Due Date: 26-Dec-2018   Value ₹: 3.9 Crore Updated: 19-May-2024
Momentos tender in Thiruvananthapuram
Momentos tender in Thiruvananthapuram
Smart Classroom tender in Thiruvananthapuram