Displaying latest Guruvayur Devaswom Board tenders

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Latest Guruvayur Devaswom Board Tenders

Computer Equipments tender in Guruvayoor
Balance impeller assembly tender in Guruvayoor
Power Line Construction tender in Guruvayoor
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Balance impeller assembly tender in Guruvayoor
Fire Station Construction tender in Guruvayoor
Paving and drain tender in Guruvayoor
Diesel generators tender in Guruvayoor
Food Products tender in Guruvayoor

100360594: Supply of good quality milk products

Due Date: 14-Aug-2024 Updated: 01-Aug-2024
To view the full tender details about the latest Guruvayur Devaswom Board tenders and to receive customized alerts for tenders published by Guruvayur Devaswom Board in your email.

Apartment repair services tender in Guruvayoor
Publication printing tender in Guruvayoor

99987061: Printing supply of books to guruvayur devaswom

Due Date: 03-Aug-2024 Updated: 28-Jul-2024
Shopping Complex Construction tender in Guruvayoor
Book Printing tender in Guruvayoor

99892978: Printing and supply of books

Due Date: 02-Aug-2024 Updated: 26-Jul-2024
Shopping Complex Construction tender in Guruvayoor
Apartment repair services tender in Guruvayoor
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Building Repair tender in Guruvayoor
Religious Building Conservation tender in Guruvayoor
Barricades Repair tender in Guruvayoor
Civil Construction tender in Guruvayoor

99317639: Urgent maintenance to sreevalsam annexe 2024.

Due Date: 25-Jul-2024 Updated: 19-Jul-2024
Rice tender in Guruvayoor

98935534: Supply of rice to guruvayur devaswom

Due Date: 22-Jul-2024 Updated: 13-Jul-2024
Publication printing tender in Guruvayoor