Description: Data Processing DP works in the connection with Examinations being conducted by Staff Selection Commission WR Name of Work Pre examination works of various recruitment activities at Staff Selection Commission WR Mumbai M H
Details: Pre-examination works of various recruitment activities A. Verification of application (As per page no 8 to 9 of tender documents) B (i). Electronic data processing (As per page no 9 of tender coduments) B (ii). Electronic data processing (As per page no 9 of tender coduments) B (iii). Electronic data processing (As per page no 9 of tender coduments) B (iv). Electronic data processing (As per page no 9 of tender coduments) B (v). Electronic data processing (As per page no 9 of tender coduments) C. Generation of data base for creation of admission certificates and printing of commission copy (As per page no. 9 to 10 of tender documents) D. Printing of Commission Copies (As per page no 10 of tender documents) E. Scanning and printing work (As per page no 10 to 11 of tender documents)
Sector: Human Resources