Details: fish net shade and covering fish shade nets made of hdpcprovided with required rope (single piece without join withropes) 25fts 70ft (mesh sixe 73mm 12/3) 10fish net with steel / aluminum handle 3ft long. 12” width,15”diagonal length made of 4mm iron wire fingerling/frycollection102fish net with ss steel / aluminum handle 4ft long. 12width,15” diagonal length made of 8mm iron wire fingerling/frycollection103 fish rearing tank made of 5mm fiber glass having 63mm dia.out let with gate value provide fiber glass 63mm pipe formaintaining water level. transportation tank insulated for long distances madeof high quality double walled fibreglass fish transportationtank of weight of tank 165kgs reinforced with additionalsupport length wise. tank having temperature insulationequipped with defusing kit internal and with internal slidevalue for better release, control water drainage outlet, allmetal parts in electro polished stainless steel, anti- slitsurface on top of the tank
Sector: Animal Husbandry and Fisheries