Details: consultancy works for pollution control board license amendmentof hpcl silvassa plantscope of consultancy: -1. consultant has to get the authorization letter from the hpcl silvassa plant andrequired documents as sought by the pcb department for amending these licenses.2. consultant should visit these offices for complete information on applicationprocess and advisory on the documents required.3. consultant should submit/assistance to submit & fill the application form foramending these licenses of hpcl silvassa plant.4. consultant should advise and assist hpcl officials for initiating/collaborating thedocuments required to be submitted to both of these departments for getting theamended licenses.5. consultant should complete and submit the application along with requisitedocuments either online/offline or both.6. after accepting the application, officials will advise the statutory amount to beremitted as per the mode (treasury challan or as acceptable).7. after remitting the ment
Sector: Research center