Description: RJ23P309 dk Z dk uke iz kkuea h xzke lMd kstukUrxZr Phase III Batch 1 of 2024 25 Lohd r lMdks ds mUu uhdj k dk dk Z Package No RJ23P309 Kamolar to Dabri Kalan Relawad Khadiya upto SH01A UNDER PMGSY III dk Z dk uke iz kkuea h xzke lMd kstukUrxZr Phase III Batch 1 of 2024 25 Lohd r lMdks ds mUu uhdj k dk dk Z Package No RJ23P309 Kamolar to Dabri Kalan Relawad Khadiya upto SH01A UNDER PMGSY III dk Z dk uke iz kkuea h xzke lMd kstukUrxZr Phase III Batch 1 of 2024 25 Lohd r lMdks ds mUu uhdj k dk dk Z Package No RJ23P309 Kamolar to Dabri Kalan Relawad Khadiya upto SH01A UNDER PMGSY III dk Z dk uke iz kkuea h xzke lMd kstukUrxZr Phase III Batch 1 of 2024 25 Lohd r lMdks ds mUu uhdj k dk dk Z Package No RJ23P309 Kamolar to Dabri Kalan Relawad Khadiya upto SH01A UNDER PMGSY III
Details: Clearing and Grubbing Road Land Clearing and grubbing road land including uprooting wild vegetation, grass, bushes, shrubs, saplings and trees of girth upto 300 mm, removal of stumps of such trees cut earlier and disposal of unserviceable materials and stacking of serviceable material to be used or auctioned, upto a lead of 1000 m including removal and disposal of top organic soil not exceeding 150 mm in thickness as per MoRD Specification Clause 201. By Mechanical Means In area of non-thorny jungle Construction of reference bench mark (1 No.), working bench mark (4 Nos.) andnear all drainage structures and bridges (as per direction of Engineer-in-charge),reference pillar/ burgees @ 50m interval on both side of formation width includingmarking of centre line, setting out curves, recording of levels, white washing andlettering etc. complete as per MORD specifications cl. 108. Scarifying the existing bituminous road surface to a depth of 150 mm and disposal of scarified material with a l
Sector: Road development