The Hindustan Petroleum Corporation Limited has published a tender for "This Tender is floated for ROADWORKS FOR KAMARDANGA LPG PROJECT. Bidders to note that EMD EXEMPTION IS NOT APPLICABLE FOR MSE and UDYAM PARTIES, as the Purchase Preference Policy is NOT APPLICABLE for WORKS CONTRACT tender. In case of non-submission of EMD as per tender terms, the bid shall be disqualified without any further communication in this regard. PREBID MEETING IS ON 28.11.2024 AT 11.00 HRS THROUGH ZOOM MEETING. LINK IS SHARED IN TENDER DOCUMENT. REVERSE AUCTION IS NOT APPLICABLE FOR THIS TENDER. SECURITY DEPOSIT-2 PERCENT APPLICABLE Distribution of job: Single Party is required for the Job. CPBG CLAUSE: Vendor has option to submit the CPBG in lieu of SD and Retention Money. Retention Money-10 Percent shall be deducted from each bill. Post submission of Bids, Bidder shall not be allowed to furnish any new experience details not included in experience list furnished in their Bid. Bidders are requested to submit all qualification details along with relevant supporting Notarised documents at the first instance itself. No additional document pertaining to technical and financial PQC shall be accepted post due date of the tender. However, HPCL also reserves the right to seek clarification and document with reference to originally submitted document or documents mentioned in experience list for completing evaluation, if so required. Bidders are advised to read the clause on Planning and Designing in purview of Vulnerability Atlas of India incorporated in this tender before bidding. Note: As per Public Procurement Policy for Micro and small Enterprises, 2012 and Amendment (2018) Order, Policy is meant for procurement of only goods produced and services rendered by MSEs. However, traders, distributors, sole agent and Works Contract are excluded from the purview of Public Procurement Policy for MSEs Order,2012. In cases of EMD exemption ONLY, Bidders shall sign a Bid securing as per tender terms as per format attached with the tender document.In case of non-submission of EMD as per tender terms, the bid shall be disqualified without any further communication in this regard.The GTC clause 4.A is not applicable and the above mentioned clause supersedes the GTC Clause 4.A." on the 21 Nov 2024. This tender belongs to Temporary Staffing category. This tender is published in Kolkata, West Bengal location. The vendors interested in this tender and related Temporary Staffing tenders can obtain further details by registering in the Tendersniper web portal. Upon registration, Tendersniper sends regular tender alerts by email specifically addressing the user requirements (i.e., keywords, location and value range). Government business is a growing area of opportunity. The businesses are encouraged to actively monitor tender opportunities and participate in them to grow their business.
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