Details: lv main switchboards, sub-main switchboards and local electrical panelsdistribution boardscables, cable trays & steelworkwiring & accessoriesindoor lightingprotective earth and lightning protection systemtotal electricala1.2.7a1.2.8a1.2.9a1.2.10a1.2.11a1.2.12a1.2.13a1.2.14a1.2.15 pumps for fire protection systempipe work for fire protection systempiping ancillaries for fire protection systemsfire hydrant systemfire sprinkler systemmiscellaneous fire services equipmentinert gas flooding systemfire alarm and detection systemfire paneltotal fire protectiontotal appendix ag1g2g3 consumable sparesunit exchange sparesmandatory sparestotal appendix g = g1+g2+g3b1.1.1b1.1.2b1.1.3b1.1.4b1.1.5b1.1.6 lv main switchboards, sub-main switchboards and local electrical panelsdistribution boardscables, cable trays & steelworkwiring & accessoriesindoor lightingprotective earth and lightning protection systemtotal price (inr)inclusive of all taxes &duties on all itemstotal of schedule x = appendix a + ap
Sector: Metro rail