Details: 1. gic filling(restorativematerial)the cement packet should consist ofpowder and liquid in a separatebottle with powder dispensingscoop,paper pad and mixing spatula.there should be atleast 10ml ofliquid and 45gm of powder in thepacket.20 packet2. localanaesthesiabottle2% lignocaine with 1:100000 adr.(30ml 1 bottle) (pack of 24)10 boxes3. calciumhydroxidepowder50 gm chemically pure calciumhydroxide in powder form.2 piece4. disposabledentalsuction tipssaliva ejector flexible, nonclogging, contours to custom fitpatient's mouth. soft viny tips willnot aspirate tissue. transparent andopaque. (100 tips per pack)30 pack5. formocresol a mixture consisting of formalin,cresol, and glycerine used indentistry. pharma dent formacresol (20ml)1 bottle6. etchant gel 37%phosphoric acidgel(9ml)the bottle should contain37%phosphoric etchant liquid-gel. thebottle should contain atleast 9ml ofetchant gel.5 piece7. wedges the packet should contain minimumof 25 no of plastic wedges of various10 packpage 2 of
Sector: Medical Education