Title1,Title2,Title3,Title4,Title5,Title6,Title7,T - 109166309
The Department of Higher Education has published a tender for "Title1,Title2,Title3,Title4,Title5,Title6,Title7,Title8,Title9,Title10,Title11,Title12,Title13,Title14,Title15,Title16,Title17,Title18,Title19,Title20,Title21,Title22,Title23,Title24,Title25,Title26,Title27,Title28,Title29,Title30,Title31,Title32,Title33,Title34,Title35,Title36,Title37,Title38,Title39,Title40,Title41,Title42,Title43,Title44,Title45,Title46,Title47,Title48,Title49,Title50,Title51,Title52,Title53,Title54,Title55,Title56,Title57,Title58,Title59,Title60,Title61,Title62,Title63,Title64,Title65,Title66,Title67,Title68,Title69,Title70,Title71,Title72,Title73,Title74,Title75,Title76,Title77,Title78,Title79,Title80,Title81,Title82,Title83,Title84,Title85,Title86,Title87,Title88,Title89,Title90,Title91,Title92,Title93,Title94,Title95,Title96,Title97,Title98,Title99,Title100,Title101,Title102,Title103,Title104,Title105,Title106,Title107,Title108,Title109,Title110,Title111,Title112,Title113,Title114,Title115,Title116,Title117,Title118,Title119,Title120,Title121,Title122,Title123,Title124,Title125,Title12" on the 30 Oct 2024. This tender belongs to Cards Printing category. This tender is published in Rangareddy, Telangana location. The vendors interested in this tender and related Cards Printing tenders can obtain further details by registering in the Tendersniper web portal. Upon registration, Tendersniper sends regular tender alerts by email specifically addressing the user requirements (i.e., keywords, location and value range). Government business is a growing area of opportunity. The businesses are encouraged to actively monitor tender opportunities and participate in them to grow their business.
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Cards Printing tender analytics
Department of Higher Education published 1 tenders for "cards printing" from September 2023 until September 2024.
To get access to Higher Education tender
Tender Details
Details: printing and supply of self learning material (194 titles) at centre for distance and online learning(cdoe), manuu . specifications 1. size of the book finished size 21.5 cm x 27.5 cms (±5mm) the edges should be properly trimmed / cut. 2. cover pages 300 gsm art card with mat finish lamination, title: 2 pages multi color 3. paper for inner text 4. 70 gsm with minimum 85% or more brightness natural shade pulp - both side soft surface. inner text will be in single colour (black). printing of inner pages perfect binding with section sewing for the books of more than 120 inner pages. 5. type of binding the binding/pasting should be properly done. pin binding for the books of less than 120 inner pages. the binding / pasting should be properly done. 6. packaging the printed books are to be packed in bundles of 25 books with plastic from both sides. 7. printing source soft copy (pdf)
Sector: Higher Education