Stub Arbor,Stub Arbor,Stub Arbor,Stub Arbor,Stub A - 106263851
The EPUBLISH has published a tender for "Stub Arbor,Stub Arbor,Stub Arbor,Stub Arbor,Stub Arbor,Stub Arbor,Long Arbor,Long Arobor,Long Arobor,Collect Holder,T Max Shoulder with inserts,T Max Shoulder with inserts,T Max Shoulder with inserts,T Max Shoulder with inserts,Precision Boring Holder,Side Tool Holder with inserts,Boring Tool Holder with inserts,T Max End Mill holder with inserts,T Max End Mill holder with inserts,T Max End Mill holder with inserts,Drill Chucks with Sleeves,Vice Handle,Machine Handle,Inserted Side and Face Milling with inserts" on the 26 Sep 2024. This tender belongs to Drilling machines category. This tender is published in Hyderabad, Telangana location. The vendors interested in this tender and related Drilling machines tenders can obtain further details by registering in the Tendersniper web portal. Upon registration, Tendersniper sends regular tender alerts by email specifically addressing the user requirements (i.e., keywords, location and value range). Government business is a growing area of opportunity. The businesses are encouraged to actively monitor tender opportunities and participate in them to grow their business.
Related alert: industrial machinery and tools corporation Tenders | tools and general machinery Tenders | machines Tenders
Related categories: Milling machines Tenders | Drilling machines Tenders | Magnetic drilling machine Tenders |
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Drilling machines tender analytics
EPUBLISH published 15 tenders for "drilling machines" from December 2022 until December 2023.
During the time period (December 2023 - December 2023), a total of 1 Drilling machines tenders were published in Hyderabad district.
During the time period (December 2023 - December 2023), a total of 40 Drilling machines tenders were published in Research center sector.
The top spend areas in the Hyderabad district during the April 2024 - July 2024 quarter are: Vehicle Hiring, Temporary manual labour, Medicines.
To get access to Research center tender