Details: water purification system:the system should be a two stage system to produce both types 1 and ultrapure separately.the system should produce more than 7 ltr/hr type1grade water.pretreatment cartridge with separate ro process should be there.high flux thin film composite polyamide ro membrane with 94 - 99% rejection.conductivity meter after ro to measure the performance of the system.recirculation loop with capillary tube and diaphragm valvemixed bed ion electrode ionisation module for type 1 water production.electrode ionisation should have recirculation facility. tank with minimum 50 ltrs capacity to store type 1 water with float switch for automatic cut - off. (dnase, rnase free water – molecular biology grade water) permeate divert valve which will divert low quality water to the drain.product water specifications resistivity : 10-15 meg conductivity : 0.067 to 0.10 micro siemens waterrecovery : 15 - 18% 1) purification pack tailored to specific
Sector: Medical and Health