Details: atlas cranes 1600001573atlas cranes to be serviced and satisfactory operation to be showned to ship staff.oem- atlas maschinen gmbh,1) hydraulic rams to be removed, dismantled, overhauled and assembled with new spares, pressure tested and fitted in position, operation to be showned to ship staff. ram chrome-plating works to be carried out. all required seals and materials are procure, supply and fitment in contractor scope. all machining works, build-up works and consumables are in contractor scope. (each crane-04 nos hydraulic rams) atlas cranes 1600001573atlas cranes to be serviced and satisfactory operation to be showned to ship staff.oem- atlas maschinen gmbh,2) hydraulic control blocks- both cranes parker hydraulic control blocks have too much leakage. need to completely overhaul the blocks. operation to be showned to ship staff. all required materials are procure, supply and fitment in contractor scope. system hydraulic oil to be drained and new oil hyd 68(ship supply)to be fille
Sector: Harbor