Details: main switch board and emergency switch board meters are to be calibrated and certificate to be submitted.the following meters are to be calibrated. after completion of calibration all meters should be shown in working condition at onboard. the calibration certificates to be submitted to hsl/ss. note: the meters to be removed from onboard, calibrated and fitted back. any consumables required to complete the job is vendor scope. voltmeter 0 - 300v voltmeter 0 - 600v ammeter 0 - 100a ammeter 0 - 300a ammeter 0 - 1000a ammeter 0 - 1500a ammeter 0 - 2500a kw meter 0 - 200 kw kw meter 0 - 500 kw kw meter 0 - 1500 kw freq. meter 0 - 55hz earth fault meter 0 - infinity
Sector: Harbor