Details: sl. no. ref. no. matl. code matl. description qa plan insp.type unit qty. quoted /not quotedremarks1 100011389/10(7936/07-989)t460033tex ptexp idr40.7-44.9,med40 expd44.4,l45-90plain tube expanders for swaged end tube dia 51 (idrange 40.7-44.9mm). minimum expander entry dia 40 mmand max expansion dia 44.4 mm. expander should besuitable for expansion length 45mm to 90mm. thrustcollar shall be capable of receiving 15 mm projected tube.roller length should be capable of 50 mm expansion insingle stage.spare consumables :(1) mandrel-1 no along with each number of tubeexpander tool(2) rollers - 1 set along with each number of tubeexpander tool.items are required in line with annexure-i(doc no: p&t/tooling/expander/so7936)notapplicableby bhel onreceipt ofitems athpvpstores, 32 100011389/20(7936/07-989)t460034tex ptexp idr40.7-44.9 med44 expd47.5-l45-90plain tube expanders for swaged end tube dia 51 (idrange 40.7-44.9mm). minimum expander entry dia 44 mmand max expansion dia 47.7 mm. e
Sector: Industries and Factories