Details: desiltation od15121/2023-2024:cost of desilted material of total volume 1024586 (volume of sediments for wetexcavation is 585479.03 and volume of sediments for dry excavation is 439106.72 ) after carrying out the following works: under water excavation - desiliting the reservoir by removing deposited sediments using suitable methods such as penumatic suction pumps or cutter suction dredgers or any similar equipment or sophisticated machines, so as to produce a solid output of 240 - 800 /day/dredger from the locations defined and for a depth, specified in the desilting plan which shall in no case go beyond the original ground level of the reservoir and 1. dumping the sediments at one or more locations using suitable conveyance identified in the environment management plan (emp) and approved by the departmental officers, including all labour charges, incidental charges and service tax and all other charges, 2. separating the components such as pebble, gravel, sand, clay and residue
Sector: Irrigation