Details: bekal fort, pallikkare provision for clearing and uprooting the vegetation growth including plucking out of the roots up to the extreme in side of the wells/stepped wells for identifying the evidence of old masonry ruins and for restoration work etc. complete. provision for and dismantling of suitable scaffolding and working platform with other safety equipment for the structural conservation work of the well / stepped well etc., complete. provision for pumping out of the water and removing slush/slurry/mud etc. by any means such as mechanical devices , pump set, vertical lift etc., including cost of labour, oil hire charges of machineries, and leveling the silt in and around the area etc. complete as per the instruction of work in charge. provision for taking out the fallen/ bulged out/ dilapidated/worn-out weak laterite stone/ brick masonry structure one by one, part by part to avoid any collapse of the existing wall, lifting the discarded materials, earth etc., complete. underpinn
Sector: Museums